Active pieceA Chess piece that is able to control or move to several squares over the board....
AdvantageA superiority of position, based on the quantity and quality of the pieces....
Algebraic notationA combination of letters and numbers (a-h and 1-8) which refers to the 64 squares of the chess board....
AnalysisDetailed study of a series of moves....
ArbiterChess has Arbiters for the enforcement of the rules....
AttackAn aggressive action during a game to threaten or to capture a piece or the King....
Back rankWhite's first and Black's eighth rank on the board....
Back rank mateA checkmate made along the back rank where the opponent's King is blocked in by its own Pawns....
BatteryDoubling Rooks on a file or a Queen and a Bishop on a diagonal....
Bishop pairTwo Bishops. Their value is enhanced as together they can attack a piece on any color square. ...
Blindfold ChessGames played without seeing the board. ...
Blitz ChessRapid or lightning Chess games usually clocked in five or ten minutes....
BlunderA very bad move that loses material or initiative....
BreakthroughAn infiltration to the opponent's position....
CaissaGoddess of Chess. ...
CalculateTo precisely work out a series of moves considering potential replies....
CaptureThe movement that captures an enemy piece in the process. The captured enemy piece is taken from the board and removed from the game. ...
CastlingFrom its initial position the King moves two squares to either side, and the Rook toward which it moves is placed on the square the King passed over. ...
CenterThe four squares in the geometrical center of the board. ...
CheckIt refers to a King that is being attacked by an enemy piece. ...
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