Score SheetThe sheet of paper on which the Chess moves and score are recorded....
Short CastlingCastling on the Kingside....
Simultaneous DisplayEvent where a single player plays with several people at the same time. Also known as Simultaneous Exhibition or Simul....
SkewerA threat against a valuable piece that forces that piece to move, allowing the capture of a less valuable piece behind it....
Smothered MateA form of checkmate with a Knight, where the King is unable to escape because all the squares around him are occupied by its own pieces....
StalemateWhen a player whose turn it is has no legal moves by any of his/her pieces, but is not in check. A stalemate is a draw....
StrategyThe reasoning behind a move or a plan....
StudyA term used to describe a composed endgame position with an artistic solution....
TacticsManoeuvres that take advantage of short-term opportunities involving threats and counter threats....
ThreatA move which contains an implied or expressed attack on a piece or the position of the opponent....
Three-time repetitionOccurs when the players have been moving back and forth, repeating the same position. A three-time repetition results in a draw....
Time PressureTime TroubleTime TroubleSituation where a player has a small amount of time to make a large number of moves....
Time TroubleSituation where a player has a small amount of time to make a large number of moves....
Touch MoveA Chess rule, which requires a player who touches a piece to actually move that piece....
TournamentA contest among more than two Chess players....
TradeSame as exchange....
TrapA Chess position, where a piece cannot escape from the attack....
Tripled PawnsThree Pawns of the same colour on a single file, one in front of the other....
Under promotionPromoting a Pawn, which has reached the first/eighth rank to a Rook, Bishop or Knight....
VariationA sequence of Chess moves, or line of play....
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