Figurine notationSimilar to Algebraic notationAlgebraic notationA combination of letters and numbers (a-h and 1-8) which refers to the 64 squares of the chess board....
except that small pictures of the pieces substituted for their names. ...
FileA vertical column of eight squares....
Fool's mateThe shortest possible Chess game ending in checkmate....
Forced mateA sequence of moves that lead to a checkmate, no matter what the opponent responds....
ForkAn attack on two or more pieces simultaneously. ...
FortressA Chess position that cannot be effectively attacked or broken down even with superior material advantage....
GambitA gambit usually involves the sacrifice of a Pawn in return for a chance to attack or fast development....
GrandmasterThe highest title (other than World Champion) attainable in Chess. Once earned a Grandmaster title cannot be taken away....
Heavy PieceA Queen or Rook. Also called as major piece....
HelpmateA special Chess problem where both sides cooperate in mating the black King. ...
J'adoubeA French word commonly used by English-speaking players that means "adjust". ...
KibitzTo comment during a game, or during analysis following a game, within the hearing of the players. ...
KibitzerOne who kibitzes....
KibitzingObserving and commenting on a Chess game....
KingThe most important Chess piece. The King may move one square in any direction, and a game is over when the King is checkmated....
King HuntA prolonged attack on the opponent's King. A successful King-hunt ends in checkmate....
KingsideThe half of the board made up of the e, f, g, and h files. ...
KnightA Chess piece which moves/jumps either two squares vertically and one square horizontally or two squares horizontally and one square vertically....
Knight ForkAny double attack by a Knight....
Knight's TourA Chess puzzle whereby the Knight is moved 64 times, landing on each square only once....
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